20 years without my father

My dad died 20 years ago. For a few years, I’ve had this post on my todo list and the due date has arrived. I was both looking forward to it and dreading it a bit. After 20 years, your memories of someone who is gone tend to condense. They’re summarized in your brain like …

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file under: Personal

My first post about Yoga Pants

This is my first post about yoga pants, but hopefully not my last! Believe it or not, dress pant yoga pants is a huge tech story. Better yet, a Techstars story! Betabrand is a online clothier that outfits Web communities, and, this month, they’re donating to the Techstars Foundation based on sales from their top …

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file under: Startups

Dropping an investor

I’ve seen a few cases recently where a startup decided to remove a particular investor from their regular “update” emails. The startups were doing this because they found out that the investor had invested in (or otherwise supported) another company that they viewed as competitive. Fast forward a year or so, and the startup needs …

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file under: Blog

Pitch Your Insiders First

Imagine you’re about to go out for your next round of funding. Who do you pitch first? It should be your insiders! Pitch first to those who have already invested. They are the most likely to give you direct and honest feedback to help you make your pitch better. They’re also more likely than anyone …

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file under: Blog, Startups, Venture Capital

The 20 minute VC

I love the 20 minute VC podcast. It’s the perfect amount of time and Harry Stebbings does a great job attracting interesting guests and asking them the right questions. I was honored when asked to be on the show, here’s that episode. Harry asks me questions like: How did I make the transition from Founder …

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file under: Startups

The “lead investor” dance

The term “lead investor” is often code. Just like the word “quaint” is code in the real estate business for “small.” Let me know when you have a lead investor. Loosely translated, these words often actually mean “I’m not ready to commit.” You see, many angel and seed investors view it as their job to …

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file under: Startups