My return to CEO at Techstars

Last week, I announced that I have returned the the CEO seat at Techstars. It’s a unique situation, because I’ve led or co-led Techstars for 13 of the 17 years it has existed and have been Chairman for the last several years. Since the announcement, I’ve consistently been asked three questions so I thought I’d …

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file under: Startups

Techstars is evolving and growing

Recently, this post about our evolution came out from Techstars. Of course, as Chairman, I know of, and strongly support, the strategic changes that are happening at Techstars. We are strengthening our ability to invest in more startups and their founders than any other company in the world. And helping founders be successful has always …

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Volunteering in Guatemala

I had been wanting to take Rollie on my customary volunteering trip with Globe Aware for a few years, but the pandemic got in the way. We finally got it done in February, 2024. Long time readers may remember when I did similar trips (China with Andrew, then Costa Rica with Delaney) with my older …

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The Give First podcast playlists

Brad Feld and I started the Give First podcast in May of 2019. We’re approaching our 80th episode, and we’ve had some awesome guests and great insights for startups. In case you’re new to the podcast or missed a few episodes, here are a few playlists on Spotify based on different themes that you may …

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Which is more important: a big vision or a specific focus?

Eight years ago, I wrote what continues to be one of my best-read blog posts, entitled “Reconciling Vision and Focus.” The question it sought to answer is one that still resonates with founders today: Which is more important for your startup–a big vision or a specific focus? It’s a question that consistently comes up in …

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The Power of Mentorship

Techstars recently graduated its 3,000th company. We’ve helped our portfolio to raise $23.5 billion in total funding—and this year we’ll fund 700+ new companies through 54 accelerators around the world. As many in the startup world already know, mentors are a key element of the success of Techstars-funded companies. When I reflect on how we …

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