Blast from earFeeders past

Robert Reich of Me.dium, who does a fantastic job of running the Boulder New Tech Meetup, just tagged me in this video on Facebook in which I present earFeeder at one of the first New Tech Meetups in Boulder (there were about 25 people there, now there are usually 300+). I just watched it, and …

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iPhoneDevCamp set for August 1-3

    ID345 is hosting iPhoneDevCamp from August 1-3 in Denver. This is a satellite event that will include the ability to watch the keynotes and participate in the nationwide Hack-a-thon. The event should offer something for every skill level and be very “un-conference” like. If you’re interested in all things iPhone and iPhone development, you’ll want …

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Boulder Women Engaging Tech

Boulder Women Engaging Tech (BWET, believe it or not) is a group of entrepreneurial women that meet weekly to network and discuss new technology and their latest projects. Gwen Bell founded the group. The group has now met several times and when I peeked in on uStream at an event a couple of weeks ago, …

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A better job board for startups

About a year ago, I started a job board here on I wanted it to be free and only allow startups to post on it. Since then, 207 jobs at startups have been posted on my free job board to date. The bad news is that that only drew 59 applications in total from …

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Green Tech Meetup is Thursday night at CU

The BCBR recently covered the Green Tech meetup, which has grown from an original group of 11 to now nearly 100 attendees and more than 400 members. Congrats to Kris Wiesenfeld on growing this great group. The next meeting is this Thursday July 10th. Networking starts at 530pm, with presentations at 630pm. As of this …

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The Keiretsu Forum one year later

Over a year ago, I covered the fact that the Keiretsu Forum (“the worlds largest angel investor network”) had opened up a chapter in Colorado. There are currently 17 chapters of the Keiretsu Forum worldwide. Steve Murchie, who founded and runs the Denver chapter dropped me an email to update me on what’s been going …

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