Sexual harassment: where there’s smoke there’s usually fire

It’s an unfortunate fact in our industry that people (mostly women) still regularly deal with harassment and assault in the workplace. Not only is this tragic for the individuals involved, but it is also driving talented women away from what is often a male-dominated tech and startup culture. Adding to the problem is that the victims …

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Some Recommended Reading for Investors

There’s a lot of advice out there for new (and experienced) investors, and it can be hard to sift through it all to find the best stuff. So when I find something particularly helpful, I like to pass it along. Paige Craig, a founder and managing partner of Arena Ventures, has some excellent blog posts in …

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The negative space of your words

We see quite a few pitches at Techstars. And we also therefore are involved in many Q&A sessions afterwards.  In one recent session, I noticed lots of what I call “negative space” so I wanted to jot down some thoughts. When answering questions, especially in a group or public setting, you can show mastery by …

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I’m loving Soundwall

It’s art. It’s a speaker. It’s a conversation piece. With Soundwall you can stream music to an interactive flat-panel speaker that also happens to be a beautiful piece of artwork. It’s really cool to have art that surprises people, and everyone always wants to talk about it. The sound is incredible thanks to Distributed Mode …

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Remember factoring out from math class, where you had to simplify an equation by finding the common factors? Startups often start out as a fairly simple equation. But over time, as your organization grows, it becomes more complex. As you scale, your business model gets complex. It creeps in naturally. You know what’s complex in …

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The Business Blockchain: the future of authenticity and trust on the web

I recently read The Business Blockchain by William Mougayar, which provides a really strong description of the practical applications of this important new technology. This goes way beyond bitcoin. William anticipates a future with thousands, possibly millions, of blockchains that will enable frictionless value exchange and disrupt traditional business models. He defines blockchains as “new technology …

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