SocialMedia, over and out (of Boulder)

Well, it was kind of a Colorado-ish startup for a while there. SocialMedia announced that it had raised 3.5M just a week or two after the order for the Boulder-based staff to move to Mill Valley came. Dennis Yu and David Henderson, among others have been relocated to California (David is commuting, and Dennis hopes …

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mShopper (covered previously) continues to rock and roll. Last month, they landed a deal with with Sprint/Nextel to power their shopping service. Rumor has it that tomorrow they’ll announce that they’ve also gone live on Verizon. Not too shabby – this means that on either carriers handsets, firing up “Shopping” will bring up the white-labeled …

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AFComponents – Flashy UI, ready to rock

Greenwood-based AFComponents makes advanced flash components (hence the name) for Rich Internet Applications, such as G Map (a flash layer for Google Maps), Flow List (for adding your own “cover flow” ), Media List, IMG Gallery, and about 30 other flash-based reusable components. Using AFComponents, developers can quickly add killer UI features to their apps. …

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DocSyncer – Google Synchronicity

I had to wait for TechCrunch to cover this one. Ah, it must be nice to be the big fish. DocSyncer is a Boulder-based site that synchronizes your Google Docs with your desktop, including Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. It’s built by the same guys behind (covered last year). Sound interesting?

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Looking for funding? Read this.

There’s a great post on VentureBeat today called When seed funding is better than Series A. If you’re a first-time entrepreneur looking to raise a first round of investment for your business, please do yourself a favor and read the post. The key point: Take as little money as possible to prove something meaningful. It’s …

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Tip #1: Be the Best in the World at Something

Here’s the first of my series of posts on my top twelve startup tips from Techstars this summer. Remember, they’re in no particular order as they’re all generally important to keep in mind. I’ve seen Everythingitis kill many a startup. This is the disease a startup gets when it sets out to add more features …

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