You name it

There’s a discussion going on right now about coming up with a name for Colorado’s Internet scene. Rocky Radar is leading the charge and wrote a post asking for names. I’ve seen a few comments with some interesting names like Mile Hi Tech, Highway 36, the Boulder/Denver corridor and my personal favorite Feldicon CohenValley. Others …

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Startup2Startup is Tuesday – don’t miss it

I’m really excited that Dave McClure is bringing the popular Silicon Valley event “Startup2Startup” to Boulder this Tuesday night. I’m moderating a discussion called the “Ultimate Platform Hotness Smackdown: iPhone, Twitter, Facebook, Google, and the native web”. We’ll be comparing and contrasting these platforms and others, for the relative benefit and interest from the startup …

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Mentors matter

I’m often approached by entrepreneurs who are looking for mentors.  A common misconception is that mentors are difficult to find. I always tell them that they’re just not trying hard enough. Colorado is full of experienced entrpereneurs and the vast majority of them are happy to help other entrepreneurs when asked. When approaching individuals that …

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The amazing portable OS of the future

I’ve been lugging my MacBook Pro back and forth on my 5 block daily commute to work for a couple of years now. I finally got sick of it, and decided to set up a second MacBook Pro that was identical, so that I could keep one at the office and one at home.  I …

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Failure in context

A few nights ago, I had dinner with some special guests who were visiting Boulder and Techstars. They were Joachim and Steven who are with the Singapore government and Ken Zolot, a Techstars mentor and MIT Lecturer from Boston who is also a Senior Fellow with the Kauffman Foundation and is working to understand entrepreneurial …

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Announcing my new startup seed fund

Today, I’m thrilled to announce the launch of a new seed fund designed to invest in early stage web/software startups nationwide.  This new $2.5M fund was finalized last week and will begin investing immediately. As many of you know, I have personally invested in about a dozen startups over the past four years and have …

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