Andrew Luter of BaseCamp Capital bounced the idea of the Hive off me about 4 or 5 months ago. It’s about providing an affordable space for young startups and entrepreneurs to office. I’m using a similar (although shorter term) model for Techstars because there’s a ton of value to be had by being physically around other people in the same boat as you. So when he pitched me on the idea – I immediately loved it, except I wanted to see him do this in Boulder also! Andrew says that’s part of the plan if things go well.
The Hive offers three plans, ranging in price from $129/month to $349/month.
Recently, the Hive and the concept of “co-working” has gotten a fair amount of buzz – not just here but as far away as Europe. Entrepreneurs seem to dig it. Now the Hive is set to open in Denver on April 15th. I’m anxious to find out who takes advantage of it. If you’re a one or two man show, this just might be your perfect setup.