In true last minute style, the BarCamp organizers have come through once again. The venue is now set for the 4th Floor of 1035 Pearl Street in Boulder on Friday night and Saturday morning, thanks to Andrew Hyde.
If you’re not familiar with BarCamp, it’s an un-conference that self-organizes around web and tech topics. On Friday night, starting at 6:30 an initial agenda will be set and posted to the wiki that night. Saturday is the main event where those sessions occur. Usually sessions are added or dropped on the fly based on interest and participation. The big rule of BarCamp: Participate in the discussions. You can read how it all works here.
I’ve been to several of these now, and I learn something every time. I also meet great people. If you get the chance, come on Saturday. You need to sign up, and space is limited in this venue so you may be boxed out if you don’t sign up soon.
BarCamp is still also looking for sponsors (scroll down) for Saturday (coffee, bagels, swag, etc).
I hope to see you there.