Today marks the one year anniversary of the blog. I figured it was worth a quick look back.
My first post explained what the blog was and what I’d be talking about. I’ve pretty much stuck to my original vision, covering somewhere around 100 Colorado based hi-tech startups so far. I’ve written about 170 posts (only one every other day, on average) and seen about 260 comments on those posts. I now have about 500 RSS subscribers, and about 2,000 unique visitors per month. 88 other blogs have linked to this one and it’s about to crack the top 40,000 blogs in existence on the planet*. w00t!
It hasn’t all been about companies. I’ve also blogged about trends, events, experiences, and personal reflections over the last year. At the end of 2006, I asked what everyone wanted more of and what was most valuable. People seem to like the topics, so I don’t really plan to change much in year two of blogging here.
I came relatively late to the blogging game, especially for a geek like me. I never quite “got it” until about three months in. Man, it was hard at first. But writing and blogging just turns into a habit once you get rolling. If I had the time, I could have blogged about so much more than I did.
I can’t say that “blogging has changed my life”, but I can say it’s been a huge asset in terms of its ability to help me meet people. I’ve gotten really good at networking, and contrary to my original assumptions I have found that this too is really not so tough. In fact, I’d put blogging and networking in my top 5 favorite activities now (I won’t mention the others).
Blogging has also provided opportunities to me that I don’t think I would have had otherwise. I’ve met some incredible entrepreneurs, VCs, angel investors, and service providers because of my blog. I’ve had the chance to invest in a few really neat companies, and had the chance to really get to know even more of them. In many ways, this is just invaluable. I love seeing so much. I feel like I learn something from everyone I meet. So I guess you can say blogging has made me a little smarter as a result of being around the people I’ve met.
As always, I’d welcome your feedback on how to improve or what sorts of stuff you’d like to see more or less of. You know how to reach me. I’ll be here.
* Sure, a few other local blogs that you might have heard of do a little better than this here in Colorado. Don’t be a hater!