Goodbye Alex

Alex King recently passed away after a two year battle with cancer. Alex was not one of my closest friends, but his passing hit me very hard. I was riding in a car from the airport yesterday when I got the news from his wife, and I just started crying. I got to know Alex because …

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file under: Startups

Giving up the ghost early

There is four times as much seed capital in the venture market this year as there was 1 year ago. Because of this, it’s easier to attract seed funding than it has been in the past. I’ve noticed a disturbing new trend and I think it’s related. Startups are “quitting” when the first year doesn’t go …

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file under: Blog, Startups, Venture Capital


Yesterday, I didn’t leave my house. I was supposed to be in San Francisco for a board meeting but I was forced to cancel the trip suddenly. It left me with a rare day with only that one meeting (which I had to attend remotely) on my calendar. Otherwise, my calendar was wide open. I can’t …

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file under: Blog, Personal, Startups

150M new reasons to be thankful at Techstars

Today, we launched our third venture fund at Techstars, now called Techstars Ventures. It’s $150M of fresh capital focused on Seed and Series A and we’re now managing $265M in total. You can read the basics of the announcement on the Techstars blog. In the life of any business, there are moments. Moments that matter. …

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file under: Startups

How to Choose an Accelerator

(This is second in a series of 10 blog posts from my interview with Scott Gerber for the Founders Forum. We discussed a bunch of topics including choosing an accelerator, mentoring, acquisitions and the tech talent shortage. You can watch all of the videos on Here is the full video interview on this …

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file under: Founders Forum Interview, Startups

Is an Accelerator Right for You?

(This is first in a series of 10 blog posts from my interview with Scott Gerber for the Founders Forum. We discussed a bunch of topics including choosing an accelerator, mentoring, acquisitions and the tech talent shortage. You can watch all of the videos on Not every founding entrepreneur at the early stages …

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file under: Founders Forum Interview, Startups