Coworking in Denver

My friend Danny Newman (Newman!) just pinged me to tell me about the official launch of the ID345 SPACE, a co-working space on Larimer Street in Denver. Full time plans are $400/month, part time $250, and there are special rates for multiple people. All rates are here. “The idea of ID345 SPACE is to take …

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file under: Blog, Startups

90% of Colorado VC dollars in Q1 flow into Boulder Valley

According to a MoneyTree Survey (via BCBR), “eighteen companies in the Boulder Valley received venture capital funding totaling $266.8 million during first quarter 2008.” This doesn’t include angel investment – we’re just talking about reported VC investment. Outside of Boulder Valley, just eight more Colorado companies were funded in Q1 meaning that nearly 70% (18 …

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file under: Blog, Startups

Nicole’s Entrepreneurship Resources

My friend Nicole Glaros has developed this great list of resources for entrepreneurs in Colorado. She originally posted it on her blog. When I saw it I asked if I could post it here, since I thought it was such a great list. Thanks Nicole! Nicole says: Given I’ve been trotting around the entrepreneurial community …

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file under: Blog, Startups

Tip #6: Scratch your own itch (but it’s just one possible way to become passionate)

I’ve been slowly blogging twelve startup tips from last summer at Techstars. Here’s #6 about “scratching your own itch.” The original idea behind this tip was that many successful startups start out fixing a problem that pisses them off, and that they believe needs to go away. But I’ve since refined my thinking on this. …

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file under: Blog, Personal, Startups

TechStars make great roomies

A new batch of ten Techstars companies are descending on Boulder in about one month. Most of them are looking for someplace to live for the summer. The dates are approximately May 25 – August 25. Founders are coming from all over the country (and maybe even the world). If you have some extra space …

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file under: Blog, Startups

Never enough office tours

If you just couldn’t get enough of Gwen’s office tour of Lijit last month, now you can also watch the Somewhat Frank TV version. It’s really fascinating. You get to learn about “half-paralyzed” legs, fake bands, green balls, tattoos, highly branded foosball tables, turning people into search engines and of course… pie charts. Oh, and …

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file under: Blog, Startups