
  • Scott’s post on Techstars and the evolution of angel investing. I love it, but maybe I’m a little biased.
  • CTEK is doing good stuff, helping fund 4 Colorado startups recently. Let me translate. As an investor in one of those deals, I’m pretty confident that “undisclosed sum” means “less than you might imagine.” 😉
  • Is this guy the next internet millionaire? well, 1/40th of a millionaire anyway…it’s a start. And it’s in northern Colorado!
  • Dave Taylor on advertising as a business model. While I agree with his point that it’s often a mistake for many startups to depend on this so heavily, I have to say that it’s certainly OK not to know all the answers just yet. A great number (I’d say most) successful internet businesses that I’ve come across had no clue how they’d really end up making money when they started out.
file under: Blog, Startups