If you’ve ever ridden in an Uber, you know it’s a great innovation. Now Denver’s PUC is trying to shut Uber down by inventing new rules targeted directly at it. It’s a sickening defense of a poor incumbent.

Right! Who needs clean, comfortable rides on demand from your smart phone anyway? Please read this, and then take the actions suggested there (also they are below). You can make a real difference and teach the Denver PUC the same lesson that community leaders supporting Uber have already taught similar groups in places like Boston and Washington DC and others: that the people of Colorado won’t stand for protectionist actions that prevent innovation.
If you haven’t tried Uber, here’s $10 off to try it out. Help us keep Uber in Denver along with other great cities of the world such as San Francisco, New York, LA, Seattle, Chicago, Boston, DC, Vancouver, Toronto, Paris, Milan, Philadelphia, San Diego, and Dallas.
There are several things you can do right now.
1) Contact Gov. Hickenlooper and tell him, “Save Uber in Colorado! Withdraw PUC Rules Changes to sections 6001, 6301, & 6309.”
Write on Gov. Hickenlooper’s Facebook Wall
2) Contact the Colorado PUC Directly:
3) Sign the petition that shows the PUC your #UberDENVERLove.
Disclosure: I’m an early angel investor in Uber.