I met Public Earth CEO Duncan McCall the other day to learn more about the company which Polaris Ventures recently funded with $3M. The company has an office in downtown Boulder.
For now, Public Earth is only willing to say that “We are changing the way people create and use information describing the world around them, using the internet and location-aware mobile devices.” From the non-public stuff that Duncan shared with me, I can attest that Public Earth has a far reaching vision that goes beyond what is found on the web today.
Duncan explained that the company will be releasing an alpha version this summer and would love to hear from potential alpha testers, as well as potential employees who “have a passion for and experience in – mapping, location technologies, internet and mobile applications and want to help a young company create a service thats truly engaging and useful for a huge mainstream user base.”
For now, that’s all that Public Earth is willing to say. I’m intrigued. Damn it, the stealthiness has worked. I’ll write more about this as the company progresses.