According to a MoneyTree Survey (via BCBR), “eighteen companies in the Boulder Valley received venture capital funding totaling $266.8 million during first quarter 2008.” This doesn’t include angel investment – we’re just talking about reported VC investment.
Outside of Boulder Valley, just eight more Colorado companies were funded in Q1 meaning that nearly 70% (18 of 26) of the statewide deals were done in the Boulder area. Looking at the dollars, a staggering 90% ($266.8M of $297.7M) went to the Boulder area deals. The nearly $300M invested by VCs in Colorado was reported as the highest level since 2001. Much of that was driven by a single $130M renewable energy investment.
By my quick count, about $35M was invested last quarter in a wide range of web and software companies such as HiveLive ($5.6M), Tendril Networks ($12M), Filtrbox ($500k), Collective Intellect ($6.6M), and Mark Sawyer’s post @Last/Sketchup/Google effort Vico Software ($3M).